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  • Writer's pictureDanni Lynn

Take Off

View from the plane over Lake Erie. Cleveland to Chicago O'Hare.

Before I left the Cleveland O’Hare airport on July 3rd, a frightening yet exhilarating thought was rushing through my head. I am traveling abroad for six months. Only the first month in all reality is planned so the rest is open to opportunity and spontaneity. My thought was: this is the kind of story I would read in books or see in a movie. I’m fully aware that my life is this story I am walking through and more than ever I feel the turning pages and new chapters. I don’t know what is coming next, when a climax may strike, or a cliff hanger but, I’m amazed at what my reality has become.

I think of travel as this irreplaceable gem of a memory. My first trip and each one since, out to the U.K and then Paris and Seoul, by themselves are enough to happily remember for a lifetime. To travel even more than that, to return to the places I’ve been is mind blowing. This also isn’t a journey where I go away for a week and come back home. I’m staying here for a while so what a reality this is.

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